Closing Your Pool the Right Way With Pools of Fun
As summer gives way to fall, cooler temperatures and falling leaves usher in the end of the swimming season. Even if you kept your pool open through the month of September, all good things must come to an end. When it comes time to close your pool for the year, safeguard your pool during winter with a quality closing from a qualified expert like Pools of Fun.
To make sure your pool is closed the right way, call a trusted company that isn’t new to the scene. Though it may be tempting to go with a cheaper service, their inexperience may cost a pool owner more money in the end. For instance, many companies will advertise that they can protect your pipes from freeze damage, but are less likely to put it in writing and actually guarantee it.
Unfortunately, there have also been cases of unscrupulous companies. These companies claim guarantees, but when there is damage, they only repair the pipe that was damaged, sticking the pool owner with the cost of digging up the pipe and repairing the damage it took to get to the problem pipe, which would be an expensive prospect.
Though there are lots of DIY pool closing methods, these can be a gamble with the valuable asset of your pool, as well as to the structure of your property. The devil is in the details when it comes to closing up a pool for the season, and the wrong antifreeze or a miscalculated pH can damage pipes and lead to costly repairs.
Closing your pool for the season is more complicated than an afternoon project, especially if you are inexperienced. Remember that a qualified pool company will have done this process hundreds of times, and a well-trained, Pools of Fun technician will be qualified to look for any problems or issues that might be on the horizon.
When searching for a respectable pool company that guarantees their work, make sure the company is insured, has a valid business license and that their work is warrantied. At Pools of Fun, our qualified technicians have been trained to close a pool and do it right the first time. Our 33 years of experience mean that when you call us, you are calling the pros.
Contact us to get your pool winterized and closed for this fall season. Our team of technicians will ensure your pool stays protected during the winter season.