How do I change the sand in my filter?
Sand filters vary and instructions may differ depending on your filter manufacturer; be sure to consult with your owners manual or a certified pool professional prior to beginning.
For A Top Mount Filter
Step 1: Shut your system down.
Step 2: Disconnect the suction side and return side of the lines leading into the multiport valve. (This is wear channel locks come in handy.)
Step 3: Remove the drain plug located at the bottom of the tank. Drain all water out of tank.
Step 4: Remove the clamp or bolts that secures the multiport valve to the tank body. Once the valve has been removed, you will be able to see the sand bed.
Step 5: Remove the sand. Be careful not to push or pull on the stand pipe or laterals. These can break easily. The best way to remove the sand is to use a wet/dry vacuum. If you must, you can just scoop it out. Keep in mind that many sand filters have 300lbs-600lbs of sand. (Plan ahead of time where and how you will haul and/or dump this much sand. Be sure to avoid back injuries.)
A Sand Change is a service provided by Pools of Fun. For details or to schedule a sand change, call 1-888-766-5832 or email us.
Step 6: Once the sand has been removed. Gently lift on the standpipe and check your lateral assembly. If you notice one of the laterals broken, now would be a good time to replace one or all of them. To replace a lateral, gently lift the standpipe up to where you can access the lateral and gently remove or unthread it from the stand pipe assembly. When you place the standpipe back in the tank, be sure to align it properly.
Step 7: Rinse out the inside of the tank with a garden hose.
Step 8: Replace the drain cap and cover the laterals with water to cushion them prior to adding the new sand. This is to protect the lateral assembly while the new sand is added. ALWAYS cover the top of the stand pipe when adding the new sand. The standpipe may be covered with a paper cup to prevent sand from going into the pipe. Begin adding the required amount of new sand slowly. Avoid causing the stand pipe to lean. Do NOT lift or adjust the standpipe after sand has been added.
Step 9: Look at your multiport valve and clean the black O-ring. Wipe it down with a silicon based lubricant. DO NOT use Vaseline. Replace and hand tighten the multiport valve on the tank reconnect the suction side and return side lines. Once everything is put together, do a final tightening prior to starting up the system. Take care NOT to over tighten.
Step 10: Start up your system with the multiport valve on backwash. Backwash for 30 seconds. Shut the system down. Move the multiport valve to the rinseposition. Start system and rinse for another 30 seconds. After this is completed, shut your system down and move the multiport valve to its filter position. Start up system.
For a Side Mount Filter (multiport valve is located on the side of the tank),
Step 1: Shut system down.
Step 2: Rotate the multi-port valve to the closed position and open the filter’s drain plug. Remove the tank closure dome and expose the top diffuser. The top diffuser lifts off and you will be able to see the sand bed.
Step 3: Complete Steps 5-8 as above.
Step 4: Replace diffuser and tank closer dome.
Step 5: Start up your system with the multiport valve on backwash. Backwash for 30 seconds. Shut the system down. Move the multiport valve to the rinseposition. Start system and rinse for another 30 seconds. After this is completed, shut your system down and move the multiport valve to its filter position. Start up system.