How Much Space Do You Need for a Pool?
If you are planning on installing a pool, space considerations are a major factor. Many people look at their backyards and wonder, “Is my yard big enough for a pool?” or, “Will I be able to enjoy a pool if it takes up my entire yard?” The size and shape of your yard will determine whether it is possible to install a pool and what type of pool will best suit your space.
Mapping Your Property
Before you can install a pool, you must first assess your property to make sure it complies with all rules surrounding pool installation. One of the most important requirements to consider is that many areas require a certain distance between your home and your swimming pool. If your yard is small, there may not be enough room to allow for this mandated distance and still install a reasonably sized pool. The building department for your area can help to clarify these requirements.
Other Uses of Your Yard
Another factor to consider when deciding whether to install a pool is what other purposes you use your yard for. Do you entertain and grill in your yard? Do your children have a play structure that they would not want to get rid of? Take these factors into consideration and determine how much space these other functions require. For example, a dining or conversation space for 3-6 people should be at least 10ft by 10ft. Map out your yard and designate zones for different functions.
Pool Size
Pools come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and how big of a pool you want is a personal decision that should be made based on who will be using the pool. Maybe you only want to install a lap pool for exercise, or maybe your kids will want to have friends over. All of these factors will play into the decision when it comes to which pool size is right for you.
If you are considering installing a pool, contact us at Pools of Fun, we’d be glad to help!