How to Properly Close Your Pool for the Season
Your pool is a major investment. Proper pool closing is imperative to the health and safety of your pool. A professional closing not only saves you time and hassle but also allows our Pools of Fun technicians to identify problems or needed repairs.
With Pools of Fun, you’re working with experienced professionals. We offer the highest standards of service and craftsmanship in the area and boast a customer satisfaction rating of 98.5%. We’re celebrating our 40th anniversary this year, and strong ties to the community have allowed us to meet our goal of maintaining long-term relationships with our valued customers.
Why choose any other pool company to close your pool?
Pool Closing Procedures 2021 – Chlorinated Pools by Salt or Chlorine
Begin two weeks in advance of your actual closing date to:
• If any problems exist, such as combined chlorine, cloudy water or algae growth, clear these up before performing a winter water analysis and beginning the closing procedures.
• Ideally the water temperature should be below 65 degrees before winterizing.
• Remove and clean Solar Blanket with BioGuard Stow-away and stow for winter.
• This would be a great time to clean your auto cover with Natural Chemistry Cover Cleaner as well.
One week prior to closing:
• If the pool is clear, have your water tested at your POF Customer Care Center to get your water balanced for the winter conditions.
• Brush the walls, skim the surface and vacuum the pool. Clean the waterline with BioGuard Off the Wall.
• Clean out your skimmers and pump basket.
• If you use a salt system, clean the salt cell using BioGuard SaltScapes Cell Cleaner.
4 days prior to closing:
• With the pump running, add Dry Granular Winterizer 1 pound per 12,000 gallons mixed in a pail of water. Circulate for 15 – 30 minutes. Then add 1 pound per 12,000 gallons Sequestering Compound dissolved in a pail of hot water. Circulate for 15 – 30 minutes. Then add Winter Oxy Plus, 2 pounds per 15,000 gallons of water broadcasted over the pool surface.
3 days prior to closing:
• Add the BioGuard Artic Blue Algae Protector from the Winter Kit. Dosage is 16 oz/12,000 gallons. Circulate for 1 hour.
• With the pump running add BioGuard Pool Tonic. Dosage is 1qt per 20,000 gallons. Circulate for 24 to 48 hours and backwash or clean the filters per directions.
2 days prior to closing:
• To protect equipment and surfaces—add one bottle of BioGuard Pool Closing Complete—treats up to 25,000 gallons.
1 day prior to closing:
• Chemically clean the filter with BioGuard Strip Kwik or Kleen It per instructions
• For extra Protection — Add 1 BioGuard Winter Floater per 35,000 gallons. The Winter Floater cannot be allowed to touch or come in close proximity of the vinyl liner. It may be necessary to add BioGuard Artic Blue Shock and Artic Blue Algae Protector once more through the winter or early spring—to guarantee your pool opens clear next spring.
If Pools of Fun is scheduled to close your pool, please have your supplies on hand by your filter on the closing date. You will need one gizmo per skimmer, one winter plug per return, and your winter cover. If we closed your pool last year, you should have a storage tote with these winter closing fittings in it, be sure it is poolside