Misconceptions Regarding Saltwater Pools
Saltwater pools have been popular for about 30 years, but many pool owners still don’t know much about them. Those who invest in saltwater pools often end up disappointed because the pool didn’t save the time and expense they anticipated. The Pools of Fun staff wants to ensure you make an informed decision about your pool. With this in mind, let’s clear up some murky misconceptions about saltwater pools.
Misconception 1: Saltwater Pools Are Healthier
Many pool owners think saltwater pools are healthier than their chlorinated counterparts. It’s true chlorine has downsides – it can damage swimmers’ hair and skin, and too much of it can release harmful chemicals into your pool water. Yet salt has several of the same disadvantages. For instance, overexposure to saltwater will burn skin, not simply dry it out. Additionally, saltwater alone will not kill bacteria. People who use saltwater pools are still producing chlorine through saltwater generators. Saltwater will sanitize your pool, but it does so through electrolysis, which produces bacteria-killing chlorine. In other words, saltwater pools are no healthier or safer than chlorinated ones.
Misconception 2: Saltwater Pools Are Cheaper
It’s natural to want to save money on pool installation and maintenance, but you won’t do it with a saltwater pool. If anything, saltwater pools are sometimes more expensive than traditional ones. Each saltwater pool needs its own salt cell unit. A salt cell has more parts than a chlorinator and must be cleaned more often – at least biannually. In addition, a saltwater pool can require as much as twelve hundred pounds of salt per year depending on size and how much you use the pool. Salt evaporates and can easily “splash out,” adding to your expense every time you replace lost salt.
Misconception 3: Saltwater Pools Require Fewer Chemicals
Some pool owners invest in saltwater pools because they assume they’ll use fewer chemicals. Salt is a natural compound, they reason, which will keep their pool cleaner and more environmentally conscious. This isn’t necessarily true. You’ll actually have to buy more alkaline, calcium, and other compounds to keep your pool chemically safe. Otherwise, your pool could fill up with algae, bacteria, and viruses. This is environmentally hazardous and dangerous to human health. It also decreases your pools aesthetics because the water can become smelly and cloudy.
Misconception 4: Saltwater Pools Can Withstand Longer Use
In reality, saltwater pools must be closed fairly often so owners can clean calcium from unit plates, rebalance chemicals, replenish salt, and perform other maintenance tasks. With a saltwater pool, you’ll sacrifice family time and pool party plans.
More questions or concerns with saltwater pools? Contact our team at one of our 5 Pools of Fun Customer Care Locations.