Questions to Ask Before You Build a Pool
If you are like many of our first-time pool owners at Pools of Fun, you’ll be spending the winter dreaming about the ideal pool you’re thinking of building next year. And, why shouldn’t you!? Too much of this year has been spent indoors. Before you break ground, get all your ideas together by spending some time with family and answering these 5 questions to ask yourself before you build a pool.
How will I use my Pool?
Will it be a leisure pool for play and recreation or one your family will use for exercise? Understanding and imagining how you will use your pool is key in determining the design and features of your pool. A pool designed primarily for exercise may look very different than a pool designed for play. Do the kids want a diving board? All these factors will influence the design of your pool. Be cognitive of all who will be using the pool as well. You may need accommodations for small children or additional handrails and built-in steps for older swimmers.
Are there any zoning issues or HOA requirements?
Some areas or HOAs may have restrictions or ordinances that do not allow in-ground pools – or, make specific stipulations for them. You should be able to check online with your local planning commission. Then review any regulations specific to your neighborhood homeowner’s association.
Is my yard suitable for pool construction?
Construction equipment needed to build the pool must have adequate access to your site. Generally, this is at least a 10-foot wide path. Consider if there are barriers like trees or slopes that will impede the equipment. Removal of landscaping and trees, as well as any need for retaining walls will add to the cost of construction.
Am I prepared to properly care for a pool or hire someone for routine upkeep and maintenance?
A pool can be a beautiful and enjoyable addition to your home, but like any other investment, it requires regular maintenance to retain this beauty and value. Routine tasks include monitoring water quality, clearing skimmers and filters, vacuuming, washing covers and maintaining liners. These are just a few of the actions related to keeping a pool clean and healthy. Be realistic about the costs and time associated with doing this yourself when weighed against the investment required to hire a qualified service company to handle these duties.
What is the budget needed for my pool?
Most of the time, budget is the controlling factor that influences your choice in pool type and amenities. You should be familiar with the pros and cons of vinyl, fiberglass and other type pools. Remember that some features like jets and filtration systems will need to be built into the pool. Other features like heaters or automatic covers can be added later. Know what needs to be included at the build versus what can be added later.
This is a great check list to get the thinking-process started. We are always available to answer questions and keep you on track. Simply reach out to us at Pools of Fun.