Reasons To Shock Your Pool This Winter
In winter, cold temperatures and lack of regular use make pool owners assume that water maintenance is unnecessary. However, staying on top of water treatment during the cold months is crucial for maintaining a healthy pool. For proper pool care in colder weather, performing a mid-winter shock can help prevent problems from developing before reopening in the spring.
What Does It Mean To “Shock” a Pool?
Granular oxidizer, a powdered version of chlorine used during pool water treatment, is called “pool shock.” “Shocking a pool” is the act of adding shock during a pool treatment. When shocking pool water, adding granulated chlorine helps purify it and make it safe to swim in. When closing a pool, the water should be treated to prevent bacteria growth over the winter when it’s not in use. If granular shock is being used for winter, Pools of Fun would just like to remind pool that pre-dissolving the product first helps with distribution throughout the water as well.
Why You Should Shock Your Pool This Winter
Without the proper chemical balance, improperly treated pool water can cause damage to the pool or unwanted growth. Using shock to keep the pool chemicals balanced is the only way to prevent this from happening.
Some of the biggest reasons to shock your pool this winter include:
Limiting Bacteria Growth
As people use their pools, any bacteria on them can get transferred into the water. This bacteria will remain in the water without properly shocking your pool before closing it for the winter. Over the winter months, without regular maintenance, this bacteria growth can get out of hand, making the water hazardous if left untreated.
Pool Cover Material
Depending on the material used in your pool cover, the number of contaminants that can get through can cause material buildup and algae growth. Mesh covers, which allow water to get into the pool, can throw off the chemical equilibrium of the water by increasing the volume and diluting the chlorine content.
Balancing Pool Chemicals
When chloramine concentrations get too high, breaking apart the coupled chlorine molecules requires shocking to fix. Poor water balancing and inadequate sanitizer levels can also cause cloudy pool water. Restoring equilibrium is important for preventing any damage to your liner or cover from excess chemical use.
The shock application at the end of the season when closing the pool can help mitigate any problems with your pool water, but following up during the cooler months in Indiana can keep your pool pristine for reopening.
Professional Pool Services
Pool upkeep is important to maintain year-round. In the winter, stagnant, untreated water can lead to bacteria growth and algae, causing a need to double the maintenance before opening your pool in the spring. Taking the time to shock your pool with a mid-winter shock can help make opening back up in the warmer months easier. For pool-shocking services, Pools of Fun’s team of technicians can help. For information on our pool treatment services, contact us today.