3 Steps to Ensure Your Pool Is Properly Winterized
The weather has turned frigid, and snow is piling up on the ground. Those hot summer days where your family ruled the land that comprises your backyard seem so far away. As you stare out the kitchen window, you think about warmer times. You recall a fleeting memory about your swimming pool – the sound of a cannonball, the water splashing out of the pool.
“Those were the days,” you think to yourself.
And then, suddenly, as you look out over the frozen tundra that has replaced your outdoor oasis, terror strikes. Did you winterize your pool the right way? Is it too late? Am I doomed come spring?
Yes, the first of the year isn’t the ideal time to remember that you forgot to winterize your pool the right way. But we at Pools of Fun have some good news for you: there’s still time to make things right!
Here are three important precautionary measures you can still take this year to ensure your pool is in the best possible shape for spring.
1. Winter Shock – Shocking your pool in January can help you avoid an incredibly green pool come April. So long as your pool water isn’t frozen, taking the time to uncover your pool to test its chemical levels. If your levels come back out of whack, a winter shock might be in order.
2. Keep your Pool Cover Clean – One way for your pool to spiral out of control this winter is to have a rip or tear in your cover. Problems snowball downhill as soon as your cover is damaged, and the number one cause of these issues is debris accumulation. So take the time and energy to pick up sticks and leaves off of your cover and keep your pool as safe as possible.
3. Make Sure Your Equipment Isn’t Freezing – Motorized parts aren’t at their best in sub-zero temperatures. As water freezes, pipes can crack. The first home investment you make into your home in 2017 isn’t a fun one if it involves fixing your pool filtration system. If you’ve failed to execute this before our first freeze, consider yourself lucky. And when the temperatures heat up to above freezing (better make it over 45 degrees to be safe!), don’t be bashful about running your system to ensure this doesn’t happen again!